Monday, September 12, 2016

Old Friends and Familiar Places

I dined last evening with an old friend and we turned back the pages of our friendship while we nibbled on Mexican food. We’ve known each other for over 30 years, but came to find out that there was plenty about each of our histories not known by the other. Even old friends can have chapters and pages unread and unknown. It was fun to share and discover things that filled in the gaps of time before we met so long ago. It gave a better picture of why we have remained close all these years.

This year I have made an effort to rediscover some of the places here in Oregon that connect me to my history and shaped who I am as an angler and a person. I have traveled to familiar places and found secrets undiscovered in previous visits. I have follow trails unknown to me that added to my story. While I have put plenty of miles behind me, there is still far to go.

The one thing that has been brought to light in my travels this summer is the reason these places are special to me and why they continue to be a part of who I am. Has time changed how or what I see? Is it just the memories created there or the places themselves? I like to think it is all of those things, but more importantly it’s the journey. Enjoy it.

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